North Fork Valley Rotarians present check to Families Plus. Pictured left to right, Sarah Bishop and Tanya Henderson, local Rotarians, Dorothy Lorig, Behavioral Health Specialist, Brenda Holland, PhD and founder of Families Plus, Gianna Jenson, Family Plus's Director of Outreach, John Coombe and James Schott, local Rotarians.
Members of the Rotary Club of the North Fork Valley were thrilled to present Families Plus with a donation for $19,563.00 to kick off their Mental Health Initiative, a collaboration between Families Plus, Paonia K-8 and the Rotary Club. The Club met this goal through fundraising and a Rotary Matching District Grant. The major fundraiser, A Garden Brunch, was held in June and sponsors Hellman Motor Company, Zenzen Gardens, musicians SHH, Kevin Parks/State Farm, Re/Max Mountain West and United Business Bank/Paonia assured its success and created the reality of a large donation to Families Plus.
Families Plus has hired Dorothy Lorig to facilitate its program at Paonia K-8. She will have an office at the school as well as in the community. Sam Cox, Paonia K-8’s principal, is working with Families Plus in adapting this creative approach to behavioral health care. The program will include after-school clubs, skill building activities and events, parent support groups and individual therapy services in Paonia K-8 and North Fork School of Integrative Studies (NFSIS).
Families Plus, a Delta County non-profit, serves to empower children through a variety of programs. Brenda Holland, PhD, a clinical psychologist, created Families Plus 26 years ago in Delta County with the goal of enabling children with complex needs to become healthy, educated, and productive young adults. Her wrap-around approach includes building a long term support network in our community for children and their families. Some of the families she works with need help with housing, food, transportation, and parent/child interaction. With Families Plus, an entire team of behavioral health specialists stands behind each child, supporting him/her for as long as necessary.
North Fork Rotary Club members anticipate great success in the collaboration of Families Plus, Paonia K-8 and North Fork Valley Rotary. The club looks forward to future fundraisers for this community-worthy endeavor.