Each year during the Cherry Days celebration on July 4th The Rotary Club of the North Fork Valley hosts a Pancake Breakfast in the Town Hall just prior to the Parade.  This year we served about 250 people from a menu or four types of pancakes, sausage patties, coffee, tea and orange juice.
As always, it was a full-team event.  Pam seamlessly coordinated the entire extravaganza.  Peggy and her grandkids, Susie and her grandkids, Bain and Betsy served up the pancakes.  Annette, Jacquie and Bob handled the attendees skillfully and Ruth sold 32 Cherry Days Buttons which thrilled the Cherry Days Committee!  Timothy, Nick, Bruce and Kevin kept the pancakes and sausages coming, while Tanya never slowed down on the batter.  Don and Marsha made sure we had yummy gluten-free pancakes hot and ready!  Mari was a fast runner and Norm kept us in orange juice.  Jon kept on top of the syrup and trash ... no sticky fingers on his watch!  Jackie and Carol pitched in wherever needed and John hauled tables back to the Teen Center and kept the power flowing to the appliances.  Joy and Tanya were tireless as the best cleanup crew ever!  Ed and Pam Bliss stayed busy, running for extra supplies and Ed cleaned the grill in the car wash.
And a big THANKS to the community members who came by for pancakes and camaraderie, and to support the Rotary Club and our special valley.  
The Rotary Club of the North Fork Valley has hosted a Pancake Breakfast for many years.  Originally it was held in the Paonia Town Park, next to the Teen Center.  Four years ago, we were offered the opportunity to host the Cherry Days Pancake Breakfast, which the Paonia Fire Department had hosted for years.  This change of date and venue has doubled to tripled the number of community members we host.